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Welcome to Network Orgs!

Hello, my name is Sebastian Wilson! I am an Industrial Organizational Psychology Practitioner that graduated with a Master's of Science from MST Rolla.

I can be emailed at, and you can find my LinkedIn which has far more detail at

While I have lead a long list of teams in different contexts, my most important experiences are those in Network Organizations.

What is a Network Org?

There are actually a few types of Network Org, and they tend to be the most complex type of organization. Probably the best known example is Amazon, who has a central regulatory node (Amazon itself) that interfaces with hundreds of global partners in reciprocal relationships that add up to greater than the sum of their parts. Network orgs are difficult to found, organize, and maintain because generally they require complex software to manage well and, since they are based around partnerships, any conflict has to be worked out as if the partners are peers. Since everyone is largely autonomous, there is no hierarchy of power to automatically resolve conflicts and this can make things quite delicate. Network Orgs can be extremely powerful due to the high specialization of each partner and the results they can deliver as a result of that, along with the regulatory node's unique industry knowledge, negotiation skill, and acumen to manage an economy of various skills, personnel, and other valuables internal to the network.

What is Seb's Experience with Network Orgs?

I have quite a few, and their size and efficacy scaled greatly as I moved from org to org and my skills grew, but the big one is Large Campus Quests, aka The Goblins! Feel free to check out their pages in the top bar!